[. . . ] Do not use a steam cleaner for cleaning operations Metallic objects such as knives, forks, spoons and sauce pan lids must not be placed on the hob surface as they can get hot. This appliance is not intended to be operated by means of an external timer or separate remote - control system. The means for disconnection must be incorporated in the fixed wiring in accordance with the wiring rules. [. . . ] All the indicator will show “ 11“ To unlock the controls Touch the lock/pause control. When the hob is in the pause mode, all the controls are disable except the ON/OFF the induction hob off with the ON/OFF control in an emergency. , you can always turn Power Management Function • it is possible to set a maximum power absorption level for the induction hob, choosing up to different power ranges. € induction hobs are able to limit themselves automatically in order to work at lower power level, to avoid the risk of overloading. To enter Power Management Function Turn on the hob, then Press at the same time the “+” (timer) and key lock. The timer indicator will show “ P5“ which means power level 5. 10 To switch to another level or Confirmation and Exit Power Management Function Press at the same time + (timer) and key lock for confirmation. R^[ XWi[ e\ j^[ l[ii[b ckij YedjW_d cW]d[j_Y cWj[h_Wb3 Hj ckij ^Wl[ W \bWj Xejjec m_j^ W Z_Wc[j[h e\ ceh[ j^Wd 69 Yc3 6 Use pans whose diameter is as large as the graphic of the zone selected. Using a pot a slightly wider energy will be used at its maximum efficiency. 2C^[Ya j^Wj j^[ Wffb_WdY[ _i Yehh[Yjbo fbk]][Z _d 2P[WZ j^[ \W_bkh[ WdZ Z_ifbWo jWXb[ WXel[ H\ oek Wh[ ij_bb kdWXb[ je h[iebl[ j^[ fheXb[c1 im_jY^ e\\ j^[ Wffb_WdY[1 Ze dej jho je Z_icWdjb[ _j1 WdZ YWbb A\j[h QWb[i Q[hl_Y[3 13 ENGLISH LbWU[S^ AWUESdSf[a` R^[ Yedj[dji e\ j^_i cWdkWb ^Wl[ X[[d YWh[\kbbo Y^[Ya[Z3 Gem[l[h1 j^[ YecfWdo YWddej X[ ^[bZ h[ifedi_Xb[ \eh Wdo c_ifh_dji eh ec_ii_edi3 Abie1 Wdo j[Y^d_YWb ceZ_\_YWj_edi cWo X[ _dYbkZ[Z _d W h[l_i[Z l[hi_ed e\ j^[ cWdkWb m_j^ekj dej_Y[3 R^[ Wff[WhWdY[ WdZ Yebekh e\ j^[ Wffb_WdY[ _d j^_i cWdkWb cWo Z_\\[h \hec j^[ WYjkWb ed[3 DISPOSAL: Do not dispose this product as unsorted municipal waste. Collection of such waste separately for special treatment is necessary. For more detailed information about treatment, recovery and recycling of this product, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product. This appliance is labelled in compliance with European directive 2012/19/EC for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). By ensuring that this appliance is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent any possible damage to the environment and to human health, which might otherwise be caused if it were disposed of in the wrong way. The symbol on the product indicates that it may not be treated as normal household waste. It should be taken to a collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic goods. For further information regarding the treatment, recovery and recycling of this product please contact your local council, your household waste disposal service, or the shop where you purchased it. Napětí Pokud není na spot ebi i namontována zástr ka, je t eba namontovat normalizovanou zástr ku na p ívodní kabel, která je vhodná pro uvedenou zát ž nap tí na štítku spot ebi e. [. . . ] € Induksjonstopper kan begrense seg selv automatisk for å fungere ved lavere effektnivåer, for å unngå faren for overbelastning. 119 NORWEGLIAN Rengjøring og vedlikehold Platetoppen kan rengjøres som forklart nedenfor: Type smuss lite smuss mye smuss inntørket smuss Sukker, plast eller smeltet aluminium Rengjøres slik med varmt vann, tørkes tørt med varmt vann og tørkes av med en spesialsvamp for glasskeramiske flater hell hvit eddik på flekken og vask med en myk klut, eller bruk et spesielt rengjøringsmiddel Bruk en skrape for glasskeramiske flater (bruk helst et silikonholdig produkt som beskytter glasset) Rengjøringsutstyr rengjøringssvamp spesialsvamp for glasskeramiske flater selvklebende papir for glasskeramiske flater selvklebende papir for glasskeramiske flater OBS: ta ut støpselet før apparatet rengjøres Feilsignal og kontroll Dersom det oppstår et problem eller en feil, aktiveres automatisk en beskyttelsesfunksjon i induksjonsplatetoppen og displayet viser følgende koder: Problem F0/F1/F2 F3-F8 E1/E2 E3/E4 E5/E6 Mulige årsaker feil på viften feil på temperaturmåleren unormal spenning unormal temperatur utilstrekkelig varmestråling Løsning Kontakt leverandøren Kontakt leverandøren sjekk strømtilførselen Deretter setter du på apparatet igjen. För att undvika fara på grund av oavsiktlig återställning strömförsörjas av värmesäkringen en extern får inte produkten genom kopplingsanordning, exempelvis en timer, eller anslutas till en krets som slås till och från regelbundet av anläggningen. [. . . ]